Sunday, November 26, 2006

A Sunshine Law Violation Perhaps?

Although it would be far more entertaining to discuss Ralph Mervine's undisclosed ties to contractors doing Tampa-Hillsborough County Expressway Authority work, or even his undisclosed ownership interest in a gay porn website, we're trying to stay focused here.

So let's just contemplate how Mervine spent 195 cumulative minutes on cell phone calls to selected board members over the weekend before the Monday meeting in which the five board members to whom he spoke voted to oust the Authority's longtime attorney in favor of a firm that was ranked lower by the selection committee . . . but whose representative just happened to have dinner with Mervine in direct violation of the Authority's own procurement rules. The basic story is recounted in this article from the St. Petersburg Times. And the saga continues.

Hmm . . . can you say "indictment," boys and girls?

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